Day 5 I got up around 6:30, packed up my stuff, grabbed a bite to eat and rolled out. Mike, Julio, Paul and I left the camp ground just before 8:00. It was the earliest I had gotten on the road all week.
I decided to ride without panniers for the second day of the week. The biggest downside to riding fully loaded in this kind of setting is that it takes a lot more energy to keep up with the group. Since today was a relatively long one with the potential for some headwind, I chose to give the legs a rest. Fortunately the weather was awesome and the wind was a non-issue. It’s amazing how good my legs felt without the added weight of my gear.
Just before arriving in Clarksville, the whole ride was slowed down to a near stand still as we approached a wreck that required a rider to be life flighted from the route. Apparently the rider was in a fast moving pace line and clipped the wheel of the rider in front of him. According to a guy I spoke with on the way into town, he hit the road really hard and was hurt pretty bad. UPDATE: I learned later that the rider passed away due to his injuries. Our hearts go out to his family and friends for their loss.
The crash brought me to another RAGBRAI realization. Bad things can and will happen when lots of people congregate for an event like this. Just by sheer odds, there are bound to be a couple of fatigue related problems like heart attacks, heat stroke and the like. Add bikes traveling at varying speeds and an endless supply of booze, the crash related injuries should be expected as well. Every year there it seems that you hear about a the tragic death of a rider and each story is absolutely heart breaking. It is so important to stay aware, look out for yourself and those around you, stay hydrated and ride within your abilities.
I spent most of the day riding with 'Boca' Mike from town to town, meeting up with Julio and Paul on occasion. We cruised to through most to the towns today, stopping only for water and food.
I road with Linda and Jacquie from the Bellevue Bicycle Club for a while between the towns of Stout and Dike and we traded stories from the week. After I got split from the BBC crew, I picket up the pace to meet back up with Mike who had caught a crack funny and hit the deck. He quickly got up and was back on the bike by the time I caught up with him. For the most part he came away unharmed with only a bit of road rash, a bruised hip, and torn shorts.
Mike and I waited for Julio in Dike for a while then realized that he had passed the town and went straight to the host house in Cedar Falls. So, after an ear of corn, a beer and a quick trip to the fire station for first aid, Mike and I were out of town headed to Cedar Falls as well.
As with our house on day two, tonight's house was a bit off of the official rout. We followed the directions provided by Cody and with a bit of help from some friendly locals, we arrived at the best overnight house yet.
Jonnie and family as well as their neighbor Raleigh, were great hosts, they fed us, let us sleep inside, do laundry and shower (the best shower I have ever taken). They let us use their jet skis and took those who were interested on a boat ride up the river. The rest of us stayed in and relaxed.

Relaxin By the River

The parade of people extends as far as the eye can see.

One of several dogs on bikes.